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Cascades/Rise of national colors in the waterfalls: Tradition has been respected

Ouagadougou: The governor of the Cascades region, Badabouè Flore nt Bazié , chaired the first ceremony of raising the colors of the year 2024 in the region on Monday, January 8 in Banfora .

The tradition of the rise of national colors on a rotating basis within the administrations of the Cascades region has been respected.

For the first act of this year 2024, the research station of the Institute of the Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA) in Banfora hosted the ceremony.

For the occasion, all the bodies in the region mobilized to reaffirm their attachment to the motherland.

According to the governor of the Cascades region, Badabouè Florent Bazié , the flag is the expression of the existence of a country and its sovereignty.

For him, it represents, with other symbols, the identity of people through the messages they convey.

‘This ceremonial is not only a strong symbol of the State, but also a challenge to each public agent and citizen on their civic responsibility for a strong and united nation,
‘ he said.

He also welcomed the mobilization of active forces and above all invited all stakeholders to remain mobilized to meet the challenge, in particular the fight for the return of peace to Burkina Faso.

The regional director of higher education, scientific research, innovation, Cascades, Sébastien Kiéma , expressed his gratitude to the governor for his effective presence at this ceremony of raising the colors.

He also praised the dedication of the bodies constituted for the development of the region.

Mr. Kiéma took the opportunity to remind them of the importance of the rise of national colors.

The next raising of the colors will take place at the Banfora High Commission on Monday February 5, 2024.

Source: Burkina Information Agency