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Care for war wounded: GO Paga inaugurates a 110 million CFA francs complex in Kaya

Ouagadougou: The Go Paga Association inaugurated Wednesday in Kaya (Central-North), a military social complex called ‘Teelgo’ for a total amount of 110 million CFA francs for the benefit of those injured in operations and widows of soldiers who fell at the front.

‘This center will allow the families of our brave Defense and Security Forces (FDS) that we have lost to be able to reinvent themselves and to know that they have the support of the population,’ indicated the promoter of the Go association. Paga, Mrs. Fadima Kambou.

According to her, the new military infrastructure of four blocks built for the benefit of those wounded in operations and the widows of the FDS who fell on the battlefield, cost the sum of 110 million FCFA.

Ms. Kambou who spoke on Wednesday in Kaya (Centre-North), during an official inauguration ceremony of a social complex called ‘Teelgo’ in the first military region of Burkina Faso.

Listening to it, the Go Paga association was supported in the creation of the new jewel by its financ
ial partners who are the Presidency of Faso and the Vista Banque group.

The promoter of the Go Paga association stressed that the military complex will accommodate 100 widows for training in hairdressing, sewing, saponification, cooking and aesthetics.

According to him, the crèche will also accommodate 30 to 40 children while indicating that a library for adults has been set up in the said military complex.

Ms. Fadima Kambou specified that all the injured will be grouped together at the new center which has just been inaugurated in the town of Kaya, in the Center-North region.

For the occasion, she noted, among other things, the construction of sites for those injured in operations, the provision of their meals since December 2022, the installation of 300 widows for their empowerment.

The general director of the Vista Banque group, Mohamed BS, for his part, said he was satisfied with the construction of the social complex for the benefit of those injured in operations.

Mr. BS expressed the availability
of his financial institution to support the Go Paga association in its various social works for the FDS and the populations.

According to the general director of social action for the armies and wounded in operation, Colonel-Major Sié Remis Kambou, the wounded must be recovered so that they can occupy their posts again.

‘When the presidency of Faso and the Vista Banque and Go Paga group realize the situation and take this into account, it relieves the military hierarchy,’ confided Colonel-Major Kambou.

He also urged that the collaboration continue for the happiness of the war wounded in Burkina Faso.

According to one of the beneficiaries, Elisabeth Sebego, the military center will allow them to train and take care of themselves.

According to Ms. Sébego, most of the time, women rely on their husbands and when they are no longer there, it remains a problem for them.

‘With this jewel that we have just received, we will train ourselves and take care of our families,’ she rejoiced.

Source: Burkina Informat
ion Agency