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Burkinabè civil society wants to be financed by the State

Ouagadougou: The National Council of Civil Society Organizations of Burkina Faso recommended the regular holding of a consultation and dialogue framework with the State, as well as public funding for the benefit of CSOs , at the end of a national forum, organized on January 11 and 12 in Ouagadougou.

As part of the recommendations addressed to the authorities, the participants in the Burkinabè civil society forum called for ‘public financing of CSOs’ and ‘the regular maintenance of the consultation and dialogue framework between the State and CSOs’.

They also adopted a resolution aimed at creating self-financing mechanisms within CSOs.

‘This self-financing will make it possible to reduce the financial vulnerability of civil society actors, which often leads them to be subservient to or expose themselves to behavior which is not Catholic and which does not respect deontology and ethics in the middle,’ declared the president of the National Council of Civil Society Organizations of Burkina Faso (CNOSC/BF), He
rmann Doanio, at the closing of the national civil society forum.

The participants also recommended, among others to the State, effective involvement of civil society in political reforms, strengthening the capacities of CSOs to enable them to fully play their role, and empowering the coordination of women’s associations, by referring them to the law on freedom of association.

Towards technical and financial partners, civil society actors made two recommendations, namely supporting the CNOSC in strengthening the technical, financial and human capacities of its member structures, and strengthening support for organizations in the civil society, particularly in times of crisis.

At the end of this forum, participants also took several resolutions, including the promotion of coordinated actions and synergies between CSOs intervening in the field of governance, ownership and participation of CSOs in implementation. of the PA-SD, the rereading of the code of good conduct to take into account new challenges, and
the establishment of a committee to monitor the recommendations of the Burkina Faso CSO Forum.

‘Our hope is that we can implement the recommendations resulting from this forum in order to definitively establish a strong civil society which participates in the development of this country,’ continued the president of the CNOSC/BF.

Source: Burkina Information Agency