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Burkina: Work on the opening and resurfacing of the Lemouroudougou tracks launched

The Minister of Urban Planning, Land Affairs and Housing, Mikaïlou Sidibé, officially launched on Friday February 23, 2024 in the commune of Banfora, the work of opening and resurfacing the roads. Lemouroudougou.

With a total cost of 58 million CFA francs, the work to open and reload the tracks at the Lemouroudougou site in the commune of Banfora covers a length of 30 kilometers (km) or 8.8 km of opening and charging, and 21.2 km of single opening.

The launch of the work was carried out by the Minister of Urban Planning, Land Affairs and Housing, Mikaïlou Sidibé, on Friday February 23, 2024 in Lemouroudougou.

In order to better ensure the smooth running of the work, a development protocol was signed between the Cities Management Center (CEGECI) and the Cascades regional urban planning department.

CEGECI also signed an agreement with the General Directorate of Town Planning, Development and Topography (DGUVT) in order to reassure itself of the execution of the work for a period of three.

According to Mini
ster Mikaïlou Sidibé, with the difficult security situation, the start of work has been slow, but the conditions, he said, are met to allow the DGUVT to begin work.

The Minister of Urban Planning expressed his thanks to the village chief of Lemouroudougou who was kind enough to facilitate the mobilization of the site with an area of ??75 ha, where 1,326 plots will be cleared.

He praised the commitment of the regional director of CEGECI and the assistance of the successive regional directors of town planning, land affairs and housing in the Cascades, and the current one, Lebikoum Somé, without whom, the The outcome of this site mobilization and development project would still be uncertain.

Traditional notables and landowners welcomed the project, the compensation process of which was successfully completed.

The representative of the President of the special delegation (PDS) of the commune of Banfora, Fatou Karama, first vice-president of the special delegation, expressed her recognition and gratitude to th
e Minister of Urban Planning, Land Affairs and habitat for the choice of the municipality of Banfora for the construction of housing for the benefit of the populations.

She also thanked the general director of CEGECI, Gon Tali Martine Ky, and all of her colleagues for this ‘laudable’ initiative which is to offer the population ‘decent’ housing.

Fatou Karama, recalled that CEGECI, through the Department of Urban Planning as part of the National Housing Construction Program (PNCL) has already completed several housing units in the commune of Banfora of which the beneficiaries are very ‘proud’.

The Technical Advisor representing the governor of the Cascades region, Boukary Dionou, thanked the minister and the government of Burkina Faso for the effort made on a daily basis to improve the living conditions of the populations.

He also welcomed this housing construction initiative which he believes will relieve the populations of the Cascades region.

The launch of work to open and resurface the site’s tracks is
reassuring, he added, and provides assurance as to the success of this project.

The general director of CEGECI, Gon Tali Martine Ky, said she was satisfied with the mobilization of the actors, the population of the village of Lemouroudougou, and that of the commune of Banfora, which testifies to the interest that her management places in this ceremony to launch the work of opening and resurfacing the tracks on the site.

She made a commitment to the administrative authorities and the populations of the Cascades region to respect the work execution deadline.

Source: Burkina Information Agency