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Burkina: Two schoolgirls contribute 32,500 CFA francs to the Patriotic Support Fund

Ouagadougou: Two schoolgirls, the twins Noéla and Toussiane Zabré, both students in 5th grade at the MonSeigneur André Dupont school complex, brought the sum of 32,500 CFA francs, from the sale of candy, to the patriotic support fund.

‘We started selling sweets from February because we were planning to buy a motorbike, but with the advice of our parents we decided to donate the proceeds from March, i.e. 32,500 FCFA, to respond to the appeal of President Captain Ibrahim. Traoré,’ declared the donors according to the daily Sidwaya.

According to the same source, these students have also announced their commitment to now donate 30% of sales to the Patriotic Support Fund and their desire to mobilize their comrades to visit the war wounded.

‘With the agreement of our parents we are going to request an audience with the president to ask him for authorization to do an immersion at the front. For us, this war must end now and the country needs everyone, big and small. This is why we are calling on all students to m
obilize,’ she added.

The daily Sidwaya also informs that the call for the mobilization of endogenous resources to finance the fight against terrorism was also heard by listeners and viewers of the Savane Médias group who contributed 70 million 50 thousand FCFA.

The person responsible for the collection for the Patriotic Support Fund of the Savane Media group, Yacouba Jacob Barry stressed that ‘the amount donated is the fruit of the contribution of Burkinabè from the interior and the diaspora’.

The state daily also informs that traders from the rural commune of Rambo, from the province of Yatenga in the Northern region, traveled to Ouagadougou to hand over a check for 1 million FCFA.

According to their representative, Lassané Sana, this contribution is a sign of their gratitude for the efforts made by the government with a view to the return of peace and their availability to support the process of reconquest of the territory

Source: Burkina Information Agency