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Burkina: The ‘Window on Russia’ photographic exhibition will allow the two people to get to know each other better, Minister

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè Minister in charge of Culture, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, indicated on Saturday that ‘the photographic exhibition Window on Russia’ will allow the Burkinabè and Russian people to get to know each other better.

‘We are convinced that it is through this type of action that the two peoples will get to know each other better and will learn to know each other better,’ indicated the Minister of State in charge of Culture, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo.

The minister spoke on Saturday in Ouagadougou, at the opening of the ‘Window on Russia’ exhibition, which also marks the start of work on the Russian House in Burkina.

Mr. Ouédraogo remains convinced that this event heralds other similar events here in Burkina and also in Russia to offer the people of Russia the opportunity to discover the diversity and richness of Burkinabe culture.

Because, for him, ‘culture is the best way to deepen cooperation between people’.

‘I am sure that the opening of the Russian House will contribute to the mutual e
nrichment of our cultures, bring the people of Russia and Burkina Faso closer together and bring Russian-Burkina Faso relations to a fundamentally new level,’ said the official. Russian public diplomacy, Natalia Krasovskaia.

Note that the Prime Minister of Burkina Faso Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla, the President of the Transitional Legislative Assembly, Dr Ousmane Bougma, and ministers participated in the opening of the exhibition.

Source: Burkina Information Agency