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Burkina: The resumption of the Sakoinsé-Koudougou road records an execution rate of 45.83%

Ouagadougou: The Sakoinsé-Koudougou axis, the resumption of asphalting of which was ordered in March 2023 by the president, Ibrahim Traoré for early deterioration, records an execution rate of 45.83%, the AIB learned on Tuesday on the spot.

The general director of the ACIT design office, responsible for monitoring and controlling the resumption of rehabilitation of national road 14 (RN14) Sakoinsé-Koudougou, Jean Marie Toé, indicated that the work was 45.83% completed.

According to him, it is a question of resuming the work so that it complies with the requirements desired by the government and the technical specifications adopted, with regard to the rehabilitation of the track.

Mr. Toé spoke on Tuesday on the track, during a visit initiated by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Accessibility to see the progress of the resumption of work.

On March 10, 2023, the Transitional Government ordered the SOUROUBAT/SOUROUBAT CI group of companies to resume work at its expense.

The group is accused, among other th
ings, of having used substandard material in the construction of certain layers.

The control and surveillance process which must guarantee quality is also highlighted.

‘Overall, since we started resuming work with the SOUROUBAT company, what is done is in accordance with the rules of the art that have been prescribed,’ maintained Jean Marie-Toé.

According to him, the company was faced with difficulties such as the suspension of work due to the rains, the water supply and the formulation of the coating made in Togolese soil, the adjustment of which took at least a month and half in Burkina.

‘She had to find solutions to her concerns by resurfacing the layers at her own expense to bring traffic back to the roadway. Once the treatment has been done with cement before the application of the coating. This is what justifies this gap between the progress rate of the works of 43.83% and that of the time consumed of 65.80%,’ he said.

For Mr. Toé, the company plans to complete the work on May 18, 2024 with the upd
ating of its work plan schedule.

The Minister of Infrastructure and Opening Up, Adama Luc Sorgho said he visited the site to check the progress of the resumption of work on the RN14.

‘We ordered it 10 months ago. We actually see that everything is going well on the ground.

To extend the control mission, everything is carefully monitored so that we can still find deteriorations in the situation that we have experienced,’ he continued.

Adama Luc Sorgho pointed out that the road construction process has changed, because according to him, a control mission follows the road step by step ensuring that SOUROUBAT has provided the means for quality work.

The Director General (DG) of the Roads and Buildings Companies (SOUROUBAT), Moez Bahri, his company is working hard to complete the work on schedule.

According to him, his company has agreed to resources to honor its commitments before the rainy season. To date, the time consumed for the work by the company is 65.80%.

As a reminder, on January 16, 2020, the Pri
me Minister at the time, Christophe Joseph Marie Dabiré launched the rehabilitation work of the Sakoinsé-Koudougou national road, 42 km long for an execution time of 17 months and an amount of more than 7 billion FCFA.

Source: Burkina Information Agency