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Burkina: The progress of the bypass roads to relieve traffic congestion in the capital is 87%

Ouagadougou: The Minister of Infrastructure and Opening Up, Adama Luc Sorgho, said yesterday Thursday that he was satisfied with the progress of 87% of the bypass roads to relieve traffic congestion in the city of Ouagadougou .

The Minister of Infrastructure and Opening Up, Adama Luc Sorgho, paid a site visit to the Ouagadougou bypass roads, to see the progress of the work, the state daily Sidwaya reported on Friday.

The ministerial delegation was able to see the workers of the EBOMAF company who are working to deliver the road infrastructure by June 2024, while the end of the work is set for January 4, 2025.

For Minister Adama Luc Sorgho, the company is on schedule. According to Mr. Sorgho, the state of progress is 87% and 75% of the time consumed.

According to the same source, the CEO of EBOMAF, Mahamadou Bonkoungou, assured that the work is progressing very well according to the rules of the art, despite some difficulties.

In Mr. Bonkoungou’s opinion, many people did not understand the meaning of the
public utility decree taken by the government and stood up against EBOMAF at the level of justice.

According to him, the Covid 19 pandemic also paralyzed the construction site for almost a year. Also, inflation has multiplied by 10 the prices of equipment and materials borne by the company, added the CEO of EBOMAF.

The construction of the Ouagadougou bypass roads is carried out in the format of a public-private partnership (PPP).

Source: Burkina Information Agency