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Burkina: The Ministry of Security invites its staff to subscribe to popular entrepreneurship

Ouagadougou: The Ministry in charge of Security invited APEC on Friday for an awareness session on popular entrepreneurship in order to facilitate the membership of its staff, noted the AIB.

The Agency for the Promotion of Community Entrepreneurship (APEC) held an awareness and subscription session for the benefit of agents of the ministry in charge of security.

It is within the framework of activities to raise awareness among citizens to facilitate their subscriptions and take part in community businesses that the ministry invited APEC to hold this awareness session.

‘Popular shareholding is a concept of endogenous development launched by the Head of State which aims to involve the Burkinabè in the great major project, which also aims to make the Burkinabè owners of capital’ declared the Minister Delegate in charge of security, Mahamoudou Sana.

The minister welcomed the initiative because it fights against unemployment which is a fertile breeding ground for terrorists.

‘Our contribution will also help r
esolve an essential part of this crisis we are going through’ added Mr. Sana

‘Community entrepreneurship started from an observation that the economic model that we have today is imported with the privatization of a certain number of companies,’ recalled the person responsible for promoting popular entrepreneurship, Abdouramane Sanon.

According to him, this privatization has resulted in the impoverishment of our populations, the existential crisis and insecurity including civil and food insecurity.

Mr. Sanon also thanked the ministry which wanted to contribute to endogenous development which will certainly make it possible to create wealth within the country.

According to him, popular shareholding is the way to finance community businesses.

As a reminder, membership fees cost 5,000 FCFA and each share costs 10,000 FCFA.

Therefore, there are three means of subscription, namely bank transfer, treasury, or via mobile money such as orange money, Moov money.
Source: Burkina Information Agency