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Burkina: The Head of State’s mission manager in the Eastern region exchanges with the Forces vives de la Komondjari


_: The Head of State’s mission manager in the Eastern region, Dr Boalidioa Tankoano, spoke in Gayéri on Wednesday March 27, 2024 with the Forces vives.

The objectives of Dr. Tankoano’s visit consisted first of all in introducing himself as Mission Manager of the Eastern region to the Komondjari Forces and asking for their support and blessings for the success of his mission.

Then, he presented the nature and extent of his mission, to advocate for the strengthening of social cohesion between the populations of the province and the Fighting Forces.

Finally, Dr. Boalidioa Tankoano identified the major and urgent concerns of the province and encouraged the Fighting Forces (FDS and VDP) engaged in the theater of operations in the province against the terrorists.

Source: Burkina Information Agency