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Burkina: The government will inject 10 billion FCFA to meet the strong demand for butane gas

Ouagadougou: The government will inject 10 billion FCFA into the construction of two butane gas depots, in the towns of Kaya and Koupela, in order to meet strong demand from the population, AIB learned from an official source .

The government spokesperson announced this Wednesday the names of the companies selected to build a butane gas depot in Kaya, a large town in the Downtown region also housing thousands of internally displaced people of the country and another depot in Koupela , a city located in the center-east of the country.

The construction costs amount to 10.185 billion FCFA, or 6.871 billion for the Kaya deposit and 3.313 billion for the Koupela deposit. They will be financed by Burkina Faso through the Burkinabè National Hydrocarbons Company (Sonabhy).

‘The overall objective of these projects is to increase gas production in the face of exponential demand through the provision of new deposits ever closer to populations,’ according to the report of the Council of Ministers this Wednesday

ce: Burkina Information Agency