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Burkina: The government suspends artisanal mining exports

Ouagadougou: The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Quarries suspended yesterday Tuesday, the export authorization for gold and other precious substances of artisanal and semi-mechanized production, in a press release including AIB had a copy.

In a press release dated February 20, 2024, the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Quarries suspended the export authorization for gold and other precious substances of artisanal and semi-mechanized production.

The document notes that this suspension follows the need for sanitation in the mining sector in Burkina Faso.

This reflects the government’s desire to better organize the marketing of gold and other precious substances.

‘During this period of suspension, mining players who have quantities to export are required to contact the National Society of Precious Substances (SONASP), which will be responsible for paying them,’ the press release specifies.

The same note maintains that the ministry is counting on the collaboration and good citizenship of all stakeholders for the
execution of the terms of the said press release.

Source: Burkina Information Agency