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Burkina: the government creates a Commission to regulate dysfunctions


The President of Faso, Head of State, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE chaired the Council of Ministers this Wednesday. According to the Minister in charge of Youth Aboubakar SAVADOGO acting as Government Spokesperson, the Council examined several reports and made important decisions for the smooth running of the Nation.

Under the Presidency of Faso, the Council of Ministers adopted two decrees. The first decree provides for the creation, organization, attributions, composition and operation of a Commission for the Regulation of Dysfunctions (CRD). This commission, attached to the office of the Head of State, will have the mission of correcting or correcting itself any dysfunction in the public administration and its divisions.

According to Minister Aboubakar SAVADOGO, the Commission will have jurisdiction over all central and decentralized structures of civil, paramilitary and military administrations, local authorities, state companies, public establishments of the state and associations recognized as being of publ
ic utility. .

The CRD will be specifically responsible for requesting the application of sanctions against a faulty agent and the hierarchical superior who does not require the sanction, for ensuring the application of recommendations not implemented in audit reports and control of structures and public control bodies.

It will also work to monitor the execution of judicial and administrative sanctions and to ensure the implementation of their involvement, to ensure the processing of denunciations not pursued in relation to the facts handled by the administration.

The Commission for the Regulation of Dysfunctions has an orientation council responsible for assessing the opportunity for action and can be seized by the President of Faso, the Prime Minister, the President of the Transitional Legislative Assembly and the President of the Superior Council of the Judiciary. He can also seize himself, according to Minister Aboubakar SAVADOGO.

‘The adoption of this decree will make it possible to breathe new life i
nto the functioning of public institutions by strengthening good governance and delivering a quality public service,’ indicated the Acting Government Spokesperson.

The second decree adopted under the Presidency of Faso establishes the Presidential Initiative for agricultural production and food self-sufficiency 2024-2029. This initiative proposed following that of 2023-2024 provides for a steering system and now integrates climate-smart agriculture which optimizes the effectiveness of investments intended to combat climate change and promotes the production of certain speculations and production large-scale fish farming.

This Initiative will be housed in the National Office of Major Projects of Burkina Faso, a structure attached to the Presidency of Faso. Its implementation will require the mobilization of more than 120 billion FCFA over five years.

On behalf of the Ministry of Civil Service, Labor and Social Protection, the Council adopted a report authorizing the recruitment, on an exceptional basis, of
300 Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) in addition to recruitment staff of 975 water and forestry assistants for the 2024 session. This recruitment is part of the government’s desire to reserve a percentage for VDPs in the recruitment process for the benefit of certain military and paramilitary bodies.

According to the Minister of State, Minister in charge of the Civil Service, Bassolma BAZIE, this is to encourage those who have chosen to voluntarily defend the homeland and who meet the conditions for participation in the various Civil Service competitions.

Under the Ministry of Digital Transition, Posts and Electronic Communications, the Council adopted a preliminary draft law relating to the unique electronic identifier of the person in Burkina Faso.

For the Minister in charge of the Digital Transition, Aminata ZERBO/SABANE, this unique identifier will make it possible to uniquely identify any person living in Burkina Faso using biometric and biographical data without replacing identificati
on documents.

‘This unique identifier will strengthen the identification system, allow the control of data on populations, the easier delivery of services, the cleaning up of identification databases at the sectoral level,’ indicated Minister Aminata ZERBO/ SABANE.

On behalf of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Sanitation, the Council adopted a decree to protect workers, patients, the public and the environment against the dangers of ionizing radiation in Burkina Faso .

Its adoption, which enshrines the rereading of the 2019 decree on the general principles of protection, makes it possible to improve the environment of procedures for the production of nuclear energy, according to the Minister in charge of the Environment, Roger BARO.

Source: Burkina Information Agency