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Burkina: The government adopts a decree to facilitate the denunciation of acts of corruption in the administration

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè government adopted on Wednesday a decree to facilitate the denunciation of acts of corruption in the administration, which denunciations will be transmitted to the Presidency of Faso, in exchange for reward if the denounced acts are proven.

‘The second decree sets out the conditions and modalities for denouncing acts of corruption and similar offenses, bad practices in public administrations as well as the related rewards. This decree concretizes the declared desire of the Head of State to fight against bad practices in public administration but also against corruption’, we read in the report of the council of minister this Wednesday.

According to the minister in charge of communication, government spokesperson, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, ‘it is truly a question of enabling all citizens who are victims or witnesses of corruption or bad practices in public administration to be able to exercise their right of denunciation and above all that these acts of denunciation can also be trans
mitted to the level of the Presidency of Faso’.

He also specified that rewards are planned for those who denounce if these acts in question are proven.

The head of state, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, has demonstrated since taking power in September 2022, his desire to fight against the corruption which is plaguing public administration.

Last January, in a meeting with presidential staff, Captain Traoré announced that he would start the fight against corruption and absenteeism in the public administration for the year 2024.

He also announced that the hunt against corruption has already begun within the army with the removal of unscrupulous soldiers.

Source: Burkina Information Agency