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Burkina: The diversification of partners is a sign of regained sovereignty (minister)

Ouagadougou: The Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré told the public daily Sidwaya that the diversification of partners carried out by Burkina Faso since the coming to power of President Ibrahim Traoré, is ‘the translation of a sovereignty regained.

‘This diversification is aligned with the vision of the highest authorities of the Transition. It is also driven by this desire to rework our relationships with the rest of the world. (…) But, it is also the translation of a rediscovered sovereignty,’ Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré said on Thursday.

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabè Abroad Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré, Burkina Faso was in relationships where it was ‘much more accustomed to speeches tinged with injunctions’.

But today, the country, he continued, is ‘in the process of readjusting these relations’ to be in positions where it can ‘seriously discuss substantive issues’ and where it can ‘above all take into account realities, visio
ns and endogenous contexts’.

For Minister Traoré, it is for Burkina Faso to strengthen its sovereignty, to diversify its partners and its partnerships.

‘It is a strategy which makes it possible to strengthen the security, political, economic and social cordon as part of the fight that we are waging and which requires us to be on all fronts,’ he underlined.

This diversification of partners can, in his opinion, bring ‘a corrected recognition as a partner country and not a country (…) in the rearguard’.

‘We made the mistake for years by trying in our negotiations to always demand charity, international solidarity. This makes us forget our capacity, our potential,’ he said.

‘Internationally, we sell our capabilities, our potential. We don’t sell our faults,’ he noted.

Minister Traoré noted that in the past, it was a mistake to say during financing negotiations that Burkina Faso is ‘a very stubborn poor country, 172nd in the ranking, a country where unemployment, delinquency and other quarrels exist. “.

recognized that this old ‘strategy can pay off’ but clarified that it ‘is not a strategy that pays off in the long term and in efficiency.’

Today, Burkina Faso, through the voice of its head of diplomacy, intends to show that the country is poor but accepts this poverty and knows where it wants to go.

He invited the Burkinabè to ensure that they can be ‘counted among the alternatives of tomorrow, the solutions of tomorrow’.

‘Each of us must change the way we look at ourselves to revalue and reevaluate ourselves. And this is how we can gain international respect,’ he recommended

Source: Burkina Information Agency