Categories Health & Safety

Burkina: The dengue epidemic has been generally declining for a week, Dr Rokia Guébré

Ouagadougou, 2023 (AIB)-The District Chief Medical Officer (MCD) of Ziniaré, Dr Rokia Guébré, declared on Wednesday that the results of the response to the dengue fever epidemic in Burkina Faso showed that the trend of suspected cases and probable has been decreasing for a week.

According to the Chief District Medical Officer (MCD) of Ziniaré, Dr Rokia Guébré, during the week, the trend of the dengue and Chikungunya epidemic is generally decreasing in Burkina Faso.

“In the week of December 4 to 10, 2023, there were 5,109 suspected cases including 2,178 probable cases and 12 deaths,” she indicated.

For Dr Guébré, the accumulation of the first week, that is to say from December 1 to 10, 2023, shows 146,878 cases of dengue fever including 67,658 suspected cases and 688 deaths.

Dr Guébré explained that this downward trend is due to the fight against vectors which consisted of indoor spraying, spatial spraying of public spaces and that of difficult access areas by drones.

The District Chief Medical Officer (MCD) spoke on Wednesday in Ziniaré, during an information and training meeting for media women and men on the dengue epidemic in Burkina Faso.

“This fight is everyone’s affair. We must adopt preventive measures, both individual and collective,” said the MCD.

According to her, to achieve this, we must work on environmental sanitation, the elimination of larval breeding sites and the coverage of storage water.

Dengue is a neglected tropical viral disease transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected female mosquito, of the genus Aedes, which generally occurs during the day.

More than twenty media people took part in the meeting to strengthen their knowledge of dengue fever, a disease first reported in Burkina Faso in 1925.

Source: Burkina Information Agency