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Burkina: The Association for Media Development hands over computer equipment to the AIB

Ouagadougou: The Association for Media Development (ADM) handed over five computers to the Burkina Information Agency (AIB) this Thursday afternoon in Ouagadougou following training that she financed to improve the agency’s productions and publications.

The president of the Association for Media Development (ADM) Stéphanie Thérèsa Zoungrana handed over five computers this Thursday afternoon in Ouagadougou to the director of the Burkina Information Agency (AIB) Aimé Mouorissing Kambiré. The computers were handed over at the end of four days of training that the ADM provided for the benefit of around ten journalists and technicians from the AIB.

According to Ms Zoungrana, digital tools are essential and shared digital training is crucial ‘in our digital age’.

‘I greet each participant in the training and express my confidence in a media future strengthened by their new skills and new IT equipment,’ she said.

The director of the AIB, Aimé Mouorissing Kambiré, expressed his ‘gratitude to the association for c
omputers and for the quality of training’.

‘Your contribution will allow us to resolve a certain number of problems in terms of equipment and mastery of technological tools for processing and disseminating information on the internet. The training and this equipment will help us further in relation to the objectives that we have set for ourselves for this year 2024,’ said Mr. Kambiré.

Source: Burkina Information Agency