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Burkina: The 9 new CSC advisors take oath

Ouagadougou: The nine new advisors of the Superior Council of Communication (CSC) were sworn in on Saturday, for a non-renewable five-year mandate, in a difficult security context in the country.

Louis Modeste Ouédraogo and 8 other new Councilors of the Superior Council of Communication (CSC) were sworn in on Monday before the Constitutional Council for a non-renewable 5-year mandate.

This swearing-in, which comes after their appointment on Wednesday January 24, 2024, in the Council of Ministers, puts an end to the activities of the former team led by Abdoulazize Bamogo.

According to one of the members, Louis Modeste Ouédraogo, given the difficult security situation prevailing in Burkina Faso, the immediate aspect in terms of the fight against terrorism remains communication.

Mr. Ouédraogo maintained that the 9 new members of the Burkinabè media regulatory body have, among other things, the mission of strengthening social cohesion.

According to him, they will refer to the law to regulate the life of the
media to the great happiness of the populations.

Even his bell for Abdoulaye Tao who maintains that the solemn swearing-in hearing marks the beginning of the mandate of the new CSC advisors.

‘You all know the context, the college is quite varied, we will try to live up to the expectations of the populations, in terms of media regulation,’ he indicated.

The president of the Constitutional Council, Barthélemy Kéré, says he is counting on the sense of patriotism and professionalism of the new members so that the institution can best play its role.

‘You will therefore be required to rule, like a court, on questions that come before you. The oath you have just sworn reflects all the delicacy of your functions. It is obviously a heavy responsibility, given the diversity of the media, their dispersion over the territorial space and the complexity of their mission,’ noted Me Kéré.

As a reminder, on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, the deputies of the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT) voted unanimously with 70 v
otes for the organic bill reforming the CSC.

As such, the president of the CSC will no longer be elected by his peer advisors but appointed in the days to come by the President of Faso.

Source: Burkina Information Agency