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Burkina/SIAEL 2024: Best actors from the rural world awarded prizes

Ouagadougou: The best actors in the rural world were awarded ‘Bronze Kuuri’, ‘Silver Kuuri’ and Gold Kuuri’ on Saturday during the closing of the 7th edition of the Salon International Association for Agriculture, Environment and Livestock (SIAEL), initiated by the Association for the Development of the Rural World (ADMR).

For this 7th edition of the International Exhibition of Agriculture, Environment and Livestock (SIAEL) 2024, nine official prizes were awarded to actors in the agro-sylvo-pastoral sectors who distinguished themselves through their productions .

In the agricultural sub-sector, the Boucle du Mouhoun producer, Kani Bicaba won the Golden Kuuri with the sum of 2 million 500 thousand FCFA with equipment worth one million FCFA and a trophy.

The silver Kuuri went to the producer, Yvonne Kiénou. She obtained a trophy and equipment worth 750 thousand FCFA.

The producer, Bihoun Bambou is distributed with the bronze Kuuri and equipment worth 500 thousand FCFA.

In the livestock sub-sector, Lassané
Sawadogo, from the Center region won the Golden Kuuri and received the same amount and equipment as the best producer Bicaba.

The silver Kuuri and the bronze Kuuri returned respectively to the Achrisma agro-pastoral farm and the Sahel Moné Richard agricultural complex with a trophy, 7,000,000 and 500 FCFA with equipment.

Concerning the environment sub-sector, Salifou Ouédraogo came out on top with the Kuuri d’or, winning the same amount as the best producers and breeders.

The silver Kuuri and the bronze Kuuri were offered to the Femme 2000 association and to Fatoumata Sory.

They received the sums of 750 thousand and 500 thousand FCFA respectively with trophies.

Special prizes such as the best processor of non-wood forest products, the best women’s group, the best organic producer, and the best stand were revealed for this purpose.

The general commissioner of SIAEL 2024 and president of ADMR, Jean Victor Ouédraogo explained that actors from the rural world contribute to the development of Burkina Faso.

To listen, Mr. Ouédraogo, the future of Burkina Faso rests on agriculture, the environment and livestock.

‘This is the first time that we have managed to mobilize more than 270 stands and countries came from almost everywhere, especially from Mali with more than 57 people including presidents of the different sectors,’ he said.

According to him, the 5-day meeting brought together countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, France, Senegal, Niger and Ivory Coast.

Jean Victor Ouédraogo wanted, among other things, ‘the national operation, a village, a water reservoir’, to allow young people to produce to develop the country.

‘We develop through agriculture, the environment and livestock and I call on young people that no one will come and develop Burkina Faso without themselves,’ he maintained.

The golden Kuuri in breeding, Lassané Sawadogo having passed from the Kalashnikov to the stick says he inherits his profession from his ancestors.

For Mr. Sawadogo, one must have patience to achieve the goal
set in the field of breeding.

Same story for the octogenarian, the golden Kuuri in environment.

Salifou Ouédraogo says he noticed that men plant mango trees and not baobabs and that is why he launched into this field.

‘I have a 35 ha baobab orchard with 300 trees per hectare. For two years I have had a water problem,’ he added.

As a reminder, the SIAEL took place from February 20 to 24, 2024 in the rural commune of Komsilga under the theme ‘Impact of the security crisis on the agro-sylvo-pastoral sector: inventory and perspectives’ with the guest country of honor Mali.

Source: Burkina Information Agency