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Burkina: Several terrorist leaders neutralized in the Markoye area

Ouagadougou: Several terrorist leaders and their lieutenants were eliminated this Sunday near Markoye by the Burkinabè army which is maintaining pressure on criminals in the three-border area, AIB learned.

Since the start of the year, the Burkinabè army has maintained increased vigilance on its border along the three border area.

Thus, this Sunday, January 21, 2024, the radars saw a pickup truck filled with weapons and ammunition, escorted by motorcycles.

On board, a terrorist leader had just entered Burkinabe territory and was heading towards Oueldi, north of Markoye.

There they stop under a shrub where they will be joined by other assassins on motorcycles.

Aerial vectors capture everything about this meeting of terrorist leaders.

The various lieutenants arrive and find themselves in turn with their great leader near the vehicle.

The latter makes figures on the ground while his henchmen follow attentively.

Difficult for pilots to understand where the attackers want to strike precisely. But very easy
for them to send them to hell before their crime.

This is how, when the terrorists were preparing to separate, a missile reduced them to pieces.

The leader, the vehicle and the ammunition burn, sometimes with detonations.

Survivors find extraordinary strength to save themselves but their efforts are wasted. They will gradually fall one by one just a few meters further.

It’s over for them but operations continue at the level of the Combatant Forces who still have other assassins to neutralize to liberate the territory.

Source: Burkina Information Agency