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Burkina: Seed cotton production for the 2023/2024 campaign estimated at 407,500 tonnes, an increase of 1%

Seed cotton production forecasts for the 2023/2024 campaign are estimated at 407,500 tonnes, an increase of 1% compared to the previous campaign, announced the government, welcoming the support of producers despite the difficult security context and the rising prices of certain agricultural inputs.

‘Forecasts for seed cotton production for the 2023/2024 campaign would stand at 407,500 tonnes, an increase of 1% compared to the previous campaign,’ we read in the report of the Council of Ministers this Wednesday.

According to the same document, the forecast national average yield could stand at 882 kg/ha compared to 654 kg/ha for the 2022/2023 campaign, an improvement of 35%.

The government, which took stock on Wednesday at the halfway point of the 2023/2024 cotton campaign, welcomed the support of producers which made it possible to achieve this result despite the difficult context marked by the security crisis and the rise in cotton prices. certain agricultural inputs such as fertilizers.

According to him,
the transfer prices of inputs on credit for conventional cotton were set at 28,000 CFA francs per 50 kg bag of NPKSB fertilizer, at 32,000 CFA francs per 50 kg bag of Urea fertilizer and at 6,000 F CFA per hectare treatment for insecticides .

Source: Burkina Information Agency