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Burkina: Security situation, governance and social facts, highlighted in the daily newspapers


This Wednesday’s Burkinabè dailies deal with governance as well as social facts, with particular emphasis on the security situation.

“Security situation: A new law adopted in the face of the challenges of the moment”, headlines the state daily Sidwaya referring to a law adopted the day before by the deputies of the Transition.

The daily informs that the President of the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT), Dr Ousmane Bougouma chaired, Tuesday, May 9, 2023, in Ouagadougou, a plenary session devoted to the examination and adoption of a bill relating to national security.

On this subject, the private daily newspaper Le Pays, mentions as a headline: “Fight against terrorism: The bill relating to national security voted unanimously”.

The newspaper indicates that the adopted law marks a paradigm shift in the sense that it takes into account the need to break with the too sectoral and compartmentalized conception of security to be part of a vision and a strategic orientation.

As for L’Observateur Paalga, the dean of the private dailies of Burkina Faso, it observes that there was “the guarantee of the ALT for a change of paradigm”.

The same newspaper features, on the front page, the image of the Minister of State, in charge of the Public Service, with this title: “Next reshuffle: Basolma Bazié, Minister of State, Minister of occult affairs”.

Indeed, L’Observateur Paalga, evokes in its humorous column ”Les Humeurs de Barry”, the recent outing of Minister Bazié during which he invited the guardians of tradition to use their mystical powers for the benefit of fight against terrorism.

For the author of the writing, “in these times of ambient grayness, there are personalities and not the least, which push us to smile”, adding “thank you to Bassolma Bazié”.

For its part, L’Express du Faso, a private daily published in Bobo-Dioulasso, devotes its headline to the sale of land in Nasso, a locality located in the Haut-Bassins region, in the west of the country.

The Bobolais newspaper highlights the remarks of the chief of the village of Nasso, His Majesty Tioro Sanon who declares: “I call on the populations of my region to think of future generations”.

According to the newspaper which publishes an interview with the customary chief, his majesty Tioro Sanon chief of the village of Nasso requested the cessation of all land sales in his territorial jurisdiction through a press release dated April 17, 2023.

Under the title: “Cultures and traditions unite communities”, the national daily Sidwaya addresses, through a report, the situation of Malian refugees living in Dori, capital of the Sahel region of Burkina Faso, in the north of the country.

According to the newspaper, since November 2021, “15,459 Malian refugees have found lodging and cover in Dori due to recurring attacks” in the area.

Speaking of the fight against terrorism, Sidwaya mentions on its front page: “war effort: The Burkinabè of the USA mobilize more than 48 million FCFA”.

The newspaper informs that the Burkinabè diaspora residing in the United States of America (USA) has initiated a collection campaign called: “Operation Mon Faso d’abord”, which has made it possible to collect “48,680,751 FCFA within associations, communities nuns, NGOs, companies and independent people who spared no effort for the success of the operation”.

Source: Burkina Information Agency