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Burkina: Sank Money expands with a new money transfer agency in Ouagadougou

Ouagadougou: The General Director of Sank Money, Sada Zougmoré, opened this Saturday in Ouagadougou, a deposit and money transfer agency called ‘Sank Suite’, a first for this company.

The money transfer company Sank Money officially launched this Saturday, January 20, 2024 in Ouagadougou, a money transfer agency, called ‘Sank Suite’ serving as a nodal point for Sank money transfer points and also open to the public.

According to the General Director of Sank Money, Sada Zougmoré, Sank Suite is a modern and ideal work agency, well secured which includes all the services offered by the Sank Money company where you can carry out deposit and transfer operations. ‘money.

As for the conditions for obtaining a ‘Sank Suite’ agency, the Director General explained that all dealers and agents must master money transfer techniques, have a trade register, an IFU number and have good morality.

‘A Sank Money team is responsible for following the file and verifying the location chosen by the beneficiary before setting up
the agency,’ explained Mr. Zougmoré.

The objective of the official launching ceremony of the agency aims, according to him, to make an appeal to all dealers and agents that from now on they can request the installation of a ‘Sank Suite’ agency.

‘We are planning a first wave of 200 ‘Sank Suite’ throughout Burkina Faso territory, even in areas of insecurity,’ he added.

The manager of the new agency, also President of the Association of Promoters of Credit Sales and Money Transfer Agencies (APACTA), Ablassé Compaoré, thanked the Mogho Naaba Baongho and all those who contributed to what he is the beneficiary of the new infrastructure.

He appealed to dealers and agents to get involved and to be supported by the Sank Money company for their activities.

‘We employ 9 people who work with us and we intend to employ more,’ said Mr. Compaoré.

The beneficiary said he followed the advice of the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, who wants to support young people in the search for employment in Burkina.

president of the Muslim community, sponsor of the ceremony, Abdourahamane Sana, asked people to work to develop the country.

He urged them to avoid hypocrisy and advocated honesty and sincerity for the betterment of the people.

Since September 2023, Sank Money, specializing in transfer, deposit and purchase and payment operations, among others, has established good momentum with the ambition of covering the national territory.

Source: Burkina Information Agency