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Burkina: ‘Rural land will no longer be affected by real estate development’, Larba Ouédraogo

The Director of urban land mobilization, Larba Ouédraogo, indicated Wednesday in Komsilga, during a communication on the innovations of the implementing texts of law n°008-2023/ALT of June 20 2023 relating to real estate development in Burkina Faso, that rural lands will no longer be affected by real estate development.

‘The Ministry in charge of Urban Planning reassures the rural world that rural land will no longer be affected by real estate development,’ declared the Director of urban land mobilization, Larba Ouédraogo.

Ouédraogo spoke on Wednesday in Komsilga, on the occasion of the 7th edition of the International Exhibition of Agriculture, Environment and Livestock (SIAEL), held from February 20 to 27, 2024 in Komsilga, on a communication on the law relating to real estate development.

The Director of Urban Land Mobilization presented a communication on the innovations of the implementing texts of Law No. 008-2023/ALT of June 20, 2023 on real estate promotion in Burkina Faso.

He returned to some imp
lementing texts related to land management.

On Decree No. 2023-1483/PRES-TRANS/PM/MUAFH/MATDS/MEFP of November 15, 2023 laying down general specifications applicable to real estate development zones in Burkina Faso, he explained that the specifications define and specify the general rules applicable to the mobilization of land, the development of sites as well as the construction and management of cities within the framework of real estate development.

Concerning eligible sites in developed urban areas, he cited plots developed or not, land or administrative reserves, deferred development zones, unconstructible zones, under conditions and urban wastelands.

‘In undeveloped urban areas, with the exception of the State, the sites are identified in urban planning documents and exclusively in areas of real estate development, future urbanization, predominantly tertiary, housing to be restructured and specific, subject to the admissibility of the nature of the real estate project or program,’ specified Larba Oué

The real estate project is carried out over a maximum area of ??five hectares per project and per private real estate developer (article 7).

According to Mr. Ouédraogo, the real estate developer mobilizes land by purchase or long-term lease exclusively in the land assets of individuals located within the limits of the developed urban area.

He mentioned that urban land acquired by the real estate developer from individuals with at least one permanent occupation title, is subject to a change of destination and title, if necessary. (Article 12).

‘On the sites that it mobilizes the State or the Territorial Authority must carry out, among other things, development studies in macro-lots, develop the minimum requirements applicable to the macro-lot or plots, develop the site in macro-lots or in plots and carry out the asphalting of the main roads,’ cited the Director of Urban Land Mobilization.

On his own site or the macro-lot made available to him, he said, the real estate developer must carry out deve
lopment studies, develop the draft specific specifications, develop his site or the macro-lot into plots , develop routes in accordance with the provisions of the specific specifications, among others.

The technical advisor to the Ministry of Urban Planning, Land Affairs and Housing, Kelguingalé Illy, mentioned, among other things, the new texts relating to real estate development and the fight against land conflicts.

For him, the new law fights against land grabbing and land speculation by reducing the surface area of ??real estate projects to 5 ha and excluding rural land from real estate development.

‘However, land grabbing is the main cause of land conflicts in Burkina Faso,’ he explained.

He also noted that the management of land mobilization by the State and local authorities as part of real estate development allows the State and local authorities to respond effectively to the needs of citizens in an equitable and fair manner. and to have land available for public investment.

Source: Burkina Info
rmation Agency