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Burkina: Remission of sentences for 968 detainees

Ouagadougou: The Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, has remitted the sentences for 968 detainees as of January 1, 2024, Minister of Justice Edasso Rodrigue Bayala announced on Friday.

As of January 1, 968 definitively sentenced prisoners will benefit from a reduction in their sentences, according to a decree adopted by the Council of Ministers, Minister of Justice Edasso Rodrigue Bayala said on Friday.

According to him, 335 prisoners benefit from a total remission of sentences, 626 from a partial remission, and 7 sentenced to life benefit from a commutation of sentences.

‘The choice of detainees to be pardoned by the Head of State (Captain Ibrahim TraorĂ©) is made on the basis of criteria which take into account the age, the state of health of the detainee and the exemplary behavior of the detainee’, Specified the minister.

Source: Burkina Information Agency