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Burkina: Ratifications of conventions will be subject to the sovereign decision of the people, minister


Ouagadougou: The Minister in charge of the Civil Service, Bassolma Bazié, indicated Monday that her country is now moving towards conquest of its sovereignty, suggesting that the ratifications of conventions and their implementation work are subject to the sovereign decision of the people.

‘It is from now on and only in this sense of conquest of our sovereignty that the ratifications of Conventions, their implementation and our presence in Organizations will be subject to the sovereign decision of the People and not to please or please anyone », indicated the Minister of the Civil Service, Labor and Social Protection, Bassolma Bazié.

Minister Bazié spoke Monday in Geneva, Switzerland, on the occasion of the 112th session of the International Labor Conference.

According to him, Burkina Faso joined the International Labor Organization (ILO) in a ‘sovereign manner’ on November 21, 1960. From that date to date, it has ratified 44 conventions.

This is explained, according to him, by the principles and values o
f solidarity, social justice and peace’ advocated by this specialized UN body.

Also, he invited him to reconnect with these cardinal founding values at the risk of disappearing.

‘If the ILO wants to survive as a specialized agency of the UN, its tripartite constituents must courageously assume responsibility in the full sense of ennobling human values including dignity, integrity and honor,’ he said. -he urged.

For him, the Burkinabè people have designed their priority social contract currently being implemented and expressed in the Action Plan for Stabilization and Development.

These include securing the entire national territory, responding effectively and efficiently to the humanitarian crisis, promoting good governance and the fight against corruption, undertaking political, administrative and institutional reforms. with a view to strengthening democratic culture and consolidating the rule of law, national reconciliation and social cohesion and the organization of free, transparent and inclusive elect

Source: Burkina Information Agency