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Burkina: Public officials ordered to reimburse undue salaries received

The Burkinabè government ordered yesterday Wednesday, during the weekly meeting of ministers, the full reimbursement of sums unduly received by public officials of the state.

The government “ordered the full reimbursement of the sums unduly received and indicated its agreement for the precautionary suspension of the salaries of paid non-enrolled agents whose absence was not justified”, indicated the report of the Council of Ministers received on Wednesday at the AIB.

The Council of Ministers also ordered the transfer of the salaries of agents working outside the national primary health care management agency to the budget of their attached structures.

The same document reports that the presentation of the results of the presence control operation, service performed and elements of remuneration of State public agents coming from the budget of the National Agency for Primary Health Care Management (AGSP) highlighted several irregularities.

Indeed, it emerges from this operation that out of a target of 20,4
50 agents, the number of enlisted paid agents amounts to 19,771 agents, i.e. an enrollment rate of 96.68%, while that of non-enlisted paid agents stands at 679. representing 3.32% of the target workforce.

It also emerges from this report that no entity has documented the absence of 582 unenrolled paid agents, in a situation deemed irregular. The salary cost of these agents amounts to 198,503,336 F CFA per month and 2,382,040,032 F CFA per year.

The report also notes that among the paid agents enrolled, including those whose situation has been documented, 1,982 agents working outside the AGSP were identified whose gross monthly remuneration amounts to 556,876,659 F CFA, i.e. an annual cost of 6,682 519,908 CFA francs.

The combined impact of the salary interruptions required as a precautionary measure for non-enrolled agents in a situation of unjustified absence and the reduction in the salary burden induced by the adjustment made to the pay of enlisted public agents, would generate a monthly gain of 335,315
,478 F CFA, i.e. an annual saving estimated at 4,023,785,736 F CFA

It also emerges a situation of double salary mandate concerning 17 agents having unduly received on the date of December 31, 2023, a cumulative sum of 14,514,719 F CFA, concludes the document.

Source: Burkina Information Agency