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Burkina: Projects to destabilize the Transition are ‘dead end’, according to the APEP association

Ouagadougou: The Popular Alliance for Patriotic Engagement (APEP) has started youth mobilization actions in Ouagadougou and asked those behind projects to destabilize the Transition to abandon because ‘They won’t make it.

‘We invite those who have destabilization projects to stop because it is hopeless,’ warns the president of the Popular Alliance for Patriotic Engagement (APEP), El Hadj Sayouba Traoré, in an awareness campaign, according to a national television report.

Present in Sakoula, a peripheral district of Ouagadougou, the president of APEP called on young people to mobilize and stand up against any attempts to destabilize the Transition led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

‘It is up to the youth to work for the success of the Transition,’ he said, while recalling that APEP seeks peace for Burkina Faso and not war.

The APEP also launched an appeal for the strengthening of contributions to patriotic support funds and the intensification of citizen monitoring. She asked young people who are organizing vi
gils in several towns and villages in Burkina Faso to go beyond the intersections they usually squat at.

‘Citizen monitoring is not limited to roundabouts. It starts with the family, then the neighborhood and then extends to the entire city,’ said Ousmane Sané, septuagenarian and spokesperson for this association.

For Kombi Naaba, representative of the traditional chief of Sakoula, ‘the time is no longer for politics but rather for mobilization to reconquer our territory’. ‘We expect unity and the fight against terrorism from all citizens of Burkina Faso,’ he concluded.

APEP is an active Burkinabè civil society organization favorable to the Transition. It officially launched its activities on January 3, 2023 to support the actions of President Ibrahim Traoré on and his government.

This youth mobilization action comes after the authorities said on January 18 that they had foiled a coup d’état involving foreign forces.

Source: Burkina Information Agency