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Burkina: President Ibrahim Traoré hands over 15 mobile clinics and equipment

Ouagadougou: The President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré handed over this Thursday morning, to the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene, fifteen (15) mobile clinics, cold chain equipment, office equipment, rolling logistics for improving the provision of health care in our country.

The 15 equipped mobile care units (mobile clinics) are intended for public health establishments (EPS). They are equipped with equipment for specialized care such as mammography, ultrasound, colonoscopy. These mobile clinics, a first major experience of the Burkinabè government, will be deployed to villages, countryside and certain peripheral areas of cities to allow populations to have ultrasound scans, to be screened for cervical and cervical cancer. breast cancer, and to take charge of child care.

‘The objective is to bring care closer to the most vulnerable populations. These are mobile clinics which will be in all regions of Burkina Faso and that is the vision (…) to be able to offer quality care to the Burkinabè wherever
they are,’ declared Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

As for the second batch of materials and equipment handed over by the Head of State, it is made up of 12 station wagon vehicles, 11 Pick-up vehicles, 13 refrigerated Pick-up vehicles, 1900 refrigerators with solar kits, 110 freezers electric, 14 generators, 11 cold rooms and 835 shelves. These cold chain equipment and tablets will ensure the quality of vaccines at all levels of the health system.

‘We had difficulty, in the Health and Social Promotion Centers (CSPS), being able to store vaccines. The vehicles must transport these vaccines to the solar refrigerators which will be placed in all CSPS in Burkina Faso so that the vaccines can be stored in order to effectively fight certain diseases,’ rejoiced the President of Faso.

The Head of State took the opportunity during this period of malaria to invite people to take greater responsibility and raise awareness. ‘The fight against this disease begins with the destruction of larval breeding sites. Today, everyone i
n their neighborhood must be able to do a minimum to clean up their living environment,’ indicated the President of Faso.

For the Minister of Health and Public Hygiene, Dr Robert Lucien Jean Claude Kargougou, ‘it is a great day for the health system’. He expressed all his gratitude to the President of Faso for this innovative and far-reaching government decision, and invited the populations to use this equipment rationally, and to health providers to invest so that all Burkinabè can have access to healthcare. adequate.

All the equipment was acquired by the government with the support of its partners.

Source: Burkina Information Agency