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Burkina: Neutralization of a dangerous terrorist leader and seven of his acolytes in Boulgou

Terrorist executive Diallo Abdoul Djabarou and seven other criminals were neutralized on January 29, 2024 in the Nouhao forest (Boulgou, Center-east), during a hand-led air-land offensive of master by the Combatant Forces.

Terrorist groups active in the Central East region suffered a significant defeat on January 29, 2024, AIB learned on Wednesday from well-informed sources.

Indeed, the Burkinabè army mobilized ground troops with air support to launch an assault on a terrorist base in the Nouhao forest, Boulgou province, Bittou commune.

This operation, carried out with professionalism, determination and courage, made it possible to kill the terrorist leader Diallo Abdoul Djabarou and seven other thugs.

According to our informants, the neutralization of these sinister individuals is a hard blow for the local terrorist network and even beyond.

Diallo Abdoul Djabarou, in his thirties, took up arms against the Burkinabè Nation at the end of 2021, after training at a base located in the commune of Yondé.

less than three years, the criminal led or participated in several attacks against the VDP positions of Bané, Oumnogun, Bittou, Zékézé as well as incursions on the RN16 (Tenkodogo-Cinkansé axis).

This right arm of Sondé Abdoul Malick (Mayel base), is also the author of acts of intimidation and evictions of several villages in the communes of Bittou, Bané, Lalgaye, Ouargaye, Sangha and Yargatenga .

Source: Burkina Information Agency