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Burkina: More than 10 billion FCFA committed in 2024 to boost local poultry and fish production


The Integrated Development of Corn, Soya, Poultry and Fish Value Chains and Resilience Project (PIMSAR) will commit 10 billion 29 million 924 thousand FCFA in 2024 in the acquisition of certified seeds of corn and soya, phosphate and mineral fertilizers, poultry feed, doses of vaccines against avian diseases and the acquisition of fish production with a view to strengthening the food and nutritional security of vulnerable people.

‘The Integrated Development of Corn, Soya, Poultry and Fish Value Chains and Resilience Project (PIMSAR) envisages, among other things, the acquisition of 240 tonnes of certified hybrid corn and soybean seeds, 500 tonnes of Burkinabé phosphate, 1,800 tonnes of mineral fertilizers, 1,500 tonnes of poultry feed, 5 million doses of vaccines against Newcastle disease and avian pox as well as the acquisition of 25 fish production kits for vulnerable people,’ indicate the communication service of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Fisheries Resources.

PIMSAR held its first 2024 sess
ion on Thursday in Ouagadougou during which its draft Annual Work Program and Budget (PTBA) as well as the Procurement Plan (PPM) were adopted.

The PTBA of the said project is estimated at 10 billion 29 million 924 thousand FCFA, reports the same source.

With this budget, the implementation of the project also includes the construction and equipment of 15 poultry and fish feed storage stores, 4 poultry markets and 4 poultry slaughterhouses. It is also planned to build 15 fish ponds of 400 m², 34 fish ponds of 400 m², 100 above-ground tanks and 20 floating cages, added the PIMSAR Coordinator, Halimata Sylla/Cissé.

According to the Manager of Budget Program 078, Prosper Zemba, the objective of PIMSAR is to contribute to the integrated and inclusive development of the corn, soya, poultry and fish value chains to strengthen food and nutritional security.

‘Specifically, it will be a question of sustainably increasing agricultural, animal and fishery production and productivity as well as the resilience of popu
lations, of transforming agricultural products such as corn and soybeans into quality food for consumption. animal and human, to make the final products accessible to markets and to integrate the different links of the value chains particularly in favor of women and finally to improve the resilience of women and men to cope with climatic shocks as well as vulnerable situations,’ detailed Mr. Zemba.

PIMSAR is implemented in the Boucle du Mouhoun, Center-West, Hauts-Bassins and Center regions.

Ultimately, the project will impact 30,000 direct beneficiaries and 240,000 indirect beneficiaries with at least 50% women for each of the targeted groups.

In its resilience component, PIMSAR will finance the reconstruction of the productive capital of 7,500 internally displaced people, concludes the same source.

Source: Burkina Information Agency