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Burkina: MOJED organizes a week of patriotism

Ouagadougou, The Youth Movement Committed to Development (MOJED) is organizing, starting tomorrow Monday, the national patriotism week in Ouagadougou

The MOJED is organizing a National Week of Patriotism (SENAP) in Ouagadougou to reinstill in all Burkinabe youth the feeling of patriotism.

The theme of this week is: “Patriotism: a factor of resilience in the face of insecurity in Burkina Faso” and will be held from November 6 to November 12, 2023.

“With the advent of the current government, we have noted that this government has laid the foundations of patriotism for this youth and it is also up to us to perpetuate these foundations of patriotism within our brothers and sisters” said Yacouba Ouédraogo coordinator of CNP- SENAP.

This week will feature the opening ceremony, a patriotic student day, reintegration of IDPs, a student day and many other activities.

“The very context of the creation of the SENAP project fits much more within the framework of the security crisis that Burkina Faso is currently going through,” added Mr. Ouédraogo.

For this first edition, MOJED plans to reach more than 5,000 people with a total budget of 18 million 477,500 F CFA.

This SENAP project extends over six months from November 6, 2023 to April 6, 2024 and has the objectives of promoting, among other things, Burkinabe consumption, social cohesion, living together, Burkinabe culture and contributing to the restoration and safeguarding of peace in Burkina Faso.

The main objective of the SENAP project is to promote patriotism, integrity and citizenship.

Remember that MOJED is a civil society movement, created with the aim of helping the socio-economic development of Burkina Faso in solidarity and stability.

Source: Burkina Information Agency