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Burkina: Magistrates mobilize more than 32 million CFA francs for the war effort


The magistrates of Burkina Faso mobilized the sum of 32 million 640 thousand 666 CFA francs, which they handed over to the government on Monday, in order to support the war effort.

According to the donor representative, the magistrates’ contribution is made up of 20 ALOBA brand motorcycles at a total cost of 11 million 137 thousand 225 FCFA, cash in the amount of 9 million 685 thousand 275 FCFA and deductions to be made at the source of an amount of 11,817,166 FCFA.

“It is on a voluntary basis that the magistrates responded to the call of the CSM”, explained the president of the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSM), Mazombé Jean Kondé.

He was speaking this Monday morning in Ouagadougou, on the occasion of the ceremony to hand over the donation to the government.

Mr. Kondé specified that the contributors are for the most part magistrates in the courts or on secondment within the country, while some are international and others admitted to assert their rights to retirement.

To hear the president of the CSM, the idea of the initiative germinated a few months ago.

For his part, the Minister of State, Defense and Veterans Affairs, Kassoum Coulibaly, on receiving the donation, praised the contribution of the judiciary, which, he mentioned, is not at its first initiative in favor of the fight against terrorism.

“This receptivity to the appeal launched by the executive at its highest summit is the expression of the patriotism of the judiciary in the face of the terrorist hydra”, affirmed the minister.

For him, the importance of this contribution testifies to the strong level of commitment of the magistrates to support the fight for the reconquest of the national territory and the safeguard of the Burkinabe nation”.

Source: Burkina Information Agency