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Burkina is launching its 2024 fiscal year with the ambition of mobilizing 1,700 billion in taxes and fees

Ouagadougou:The 2024 tax year was officially launched under the theme ‘For sovereign resources and land security, let’s commit to digitalization’ during a press conference.

The DGI estimated that the current year constitutes a challenge because it will involve mobilizing nearly 1,700 billion FCFA to fight against terrorism and finance structuring projects intended to revive the economy.

To achieve this objective, the Director of Taxes, Daouda Kirakoya and his agents intend to continue the implementation of the 2023-2027 strategic plan focused on the computerization and digitalization of procedures and territorial networking.

This plan includes new taxes, notably the special tax on cement, the tax on motor vehicles, the 2% levy on the net profits of businesses and the levy on the salaries of public and private sector agents.

Tax collection will be done by bank transfer from an amount reaching one million FCFA, recalls the DGI.

Conversely, tax exemptions will be granted on real estate development and on th
e importation of construction materials, according to the DGI.

For 2024, public investments which will be financed from own resources stand at 1.017 billion FCFA compared to 801 billion FCFA in 2023.

Source: Burkina Information Agency