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Burkina is about to launch the activities of a mining residue treatment plant

Ouagadougou: Burkina Faso will officially launch the activities of the mining residue processing plant in the Kossodo industrial zone in Ouagadougou on January 23, 2024, AIB learned from official sources.

The Golden Hand factory, responsible for extracting the remaining precious metals from residues, will officially launch its activities on Monday, January 23, under the patronage of President Ibrahim Traoré, according to a document published by the ministry in charge of Mines.

According to this document, the authorities will proceed with the commissioning of this plant for the recovery of precious substances in order to optimize the extraction of the country’s mineral resources and strengthen the implementation of local content.

In an arrangement with the Essakane company, Burkina will have several hundred tons of fine coal in addition to the residues which will be produced in the country’s various mining units.

The seizure of 32 containers of fine coal in 2018 and suspicions of concealment of gold and si
lver in these residues pushed the Burkinabe government to accelerate the construction of the mining residue treatment plant.

The government has also taken measures to regulate the processing of mining residues in Burkina Faso and, more broadly, to ensure the production, processing and marketing of gold.

Source: Burkina Information Agency