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Burkina – Ioba – Rise of Ioba Colors / Renewal of the individual tax payment operation in 2024

The high commissioner of the Ioba province, Bernadette Adenyo / Sermé announced, on the occasion of the raising of the colors ceremony on Monday January 8, 2024 in Dano, to reissue the payment operation taxes.

This first ceremony of the raising of the national colors of the year 2024 mobilized all the established bodies and the defense and security forces (FDS). At the end of the military ceremonial, the high commissioner of Ioba province, Bernadette Adenyo / Sermé addressed the participants. She praised the work of mobilizing the sons and daughters of the province by civil society organizations (CSOs) for their support.

This support was provided for the benefit of the defense and security forces (FDS), volunteers for the defense of the homeland (VDP) and internally displaced persons (IDPs). Bernadette Adenyo noted the still existence of a certain number of difficulties but she wants to be reassuring that they will be resolved thanks to the combined efforts of everyone. ‘Despite all the efforts made, we st
ill need support,’ she continued. This is why she launched an appeal to all the active forces and all stakeholders in the province of Ioba to contribute to the patriotic support fund.

‘For the development of the province, we are going to reissue the payment of individual taxes in collaboration with the provincial tax directorate through a special operation at the high commission and in the communes’ announced Ms. Adenyo.

She indicated that paying these taxes is a fiscal obligation for corporate bodies and they should set a good example. These include residence taxes, motor vehicle taxes and weapons taxes. She expressed wishes to the entire population for a better year. The first head of Ioba concluded her message by inviting opinion leaders to continue raising awareness within communities for peaceful living together in the province. Burkina Faso Information Agency

Source: Burkina Information Agency