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Burkina: Hundreds of terrorists wiped out in Biba after a major battle


Early this Saturday morning, terrorists flocked by the hundreds in a carefully prepared operation to sow terror in Biba in the Boucle du Mouhoun. But thanks to the bravery of the Combatant Forces and the action of the Burkinabè and Malian air vectors, the criminals were cleanly decimated with their combat equipment, the AIB learned from security sources.

Saturday November 4, 2023. It is 5 a.m. in Biba in the Boucle du Mouhoun.

Hundreds of terrorists arrive aboard motorcycles and combat vehicles to sow terror in this town reconquered with blood and sweat.

The valiant FDS and VDP came into contact with the assassins and a tough battle ensued.

The terrorists present the imminent arrival of air vectors.

They withdraw very quickly and take several directions to get out of trouble.

But their maneuver has become routine for air operators.

Each group of fugitives is targeted and successfully decimated.

At the Moara-grand crossroads, a first group is decimated.

The Lanfiera road escapees were caught and neutralized.

The rest of the criminals who had taken refuge in abandoned buildings came out a few hours later, to gather their corpses, recover their wounded to put them in a shelter for treatment.

Once in their hiding place with their numerous wounded, a missile completely decimates them.

Combat vehicles take several paths towards the Malian border.

They will be destroyed by several strikes.

The criminals who managed to cross the Malian border towards Baï will be neutralized by air vectors from Mali.

The rout on the enemy side is total. Photos taken by Burkina’s aerial vectors show piles of corpses and destroyed vehicles.

According to our information, operations continue in the locality and on several other fronts.

Source: Burkina Information Agency