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Burkina has a new strategy to increase the rate of rural electrification to 80%

Ouagadougou: The technical services of the Ministry in charge of Energy have just validated a new national rural electrification strategy which should make it possible to bring rural electrification to a record level of 80%.

Under the auspices of the General Directorate of Energy, a document relating to the national strategy for rural electrification (SNER) over the period 2024-2028 was validated during a workshop on February 15, 2024.

Combined with an action plan, the strategy will help boost the rate of rural electrification by 80%, reports the communications services of the Ministry of Energy.

The document is ‘our roadmap and our compass towards a bright electric future for our villages and rural communities,’ said the Director General of Energy, Dr Alidou Koutou.

The level of electrification in the area is very low. It is estimated at 5.49% in 2022

Source: Burkina Information Agency