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Burkina: For Ibrahim Traoré, corruption is a theft to be fought rigorously in 2024

Ouagadougou: The President of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, reaffirmed Monday his desire to rigorously combat corruption, this ‘theft’ within the Burkinabe public administration.

According to the Head of State, most of the recruited firms generally have connections with administration actors who, through indirect channels, offer their skills in return for undue remuneration.

‘It’s theft, it’s cheating and we are going to put an end to these practices,’ he was indignant.

The President of the Transition called for the activation of disciplinary councils in the various structures of the administration so that sanctions are taken against unscrupulous agents even if this should go as far as dismissal.

The President of the Transition, Head of State, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE met, this Monday morning, with the staff of the Presidency of Faso as well as attached services to discuss the functioning of the institution and the direction of the Transition for this year 2024.

For him, the machine for the fight
against corruption has started for this year 2024 and firmness will be required on proven cases of corruption and laxity in public administration.

‘Everyone must do the mission for which they were recruited. Unfortunately, this is often not the case and when we want to make redundancies, people pull texts from everywhere. You cannot take the texts of others and apply them to our context,’ added Captain Ibrahim TRAORE who said he was upset against certain practices in public administration.

He denounced the propensity to systematically recruit firms for work falling within the competence and obligations of public administration executives.

‘If there are people who must convey the ideology that we defend, it is you who work at the central level. During these 15 months, you were able to observe a lot of things with me in the administration; you were also able to observe the evolution of the security situation. At the start of this year, it is necessary to give ourselves a new start for the institution and the
entire country,’ the Head of State told the staff at this meeting.

According to President TRAORE, the Transition’s efforts will be focused this year on the fight against corruption and administrative slowness which sometimes plague the government’s actions.

‘The fight against terrorism is progressing, but we must recognize that there are certain areas in which things have not progressed; it’s corruption, administrative slowness. It must be recognized, things have not changed at this level because we gave ourselves time to raise awareness and talk to people so that they understand, both at the army level and at the civilian level. supported the Head of State.

He also announced major projects in the field of agriculture with the agropastoral and fisheries offensive with a view to achieving food security.

The efforts of the Transition are, according to him, part of the promotion of endogenous development and the fight for the cause of the most deprived in Burkinabe society.

Source: Burkina Information Agen