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Burkina: Exemption from taxes on the production of wheat flour, corn and sorghum in particular

The Burkinabe government decided on Thursday to exempt production taxes on wheat flour, corn, sorghum and other local cereals to support the industrial processing of these local products.

The government has planned, in a draft amending law, to grant “a tax exemption for the production of wheat flour, corn, sorghum and other locally produced cereals”, reports the communications service of the presidency, citing the council of ministers held this Thursday in Ouagadougou.

This new amending finance law will strengthen the social protection system for human capital and support the industrialization of the country, according to the Minister of Economy and Finance, Aboubakar Nacanabo, at the end of the Council of Ministers chaired by the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

Burkina Faso is leading an offensive in agro-sylvo-pastoral production and processing to fill recurring cereal deficits and boost the development of the food industry.

Source: Burkina Information Agency