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Burkina: Exchange between journalists on the management of menstruation and safe termination of pregnancy according to the law


The Share-Net platform in collaboration with SOSJD and REMAPSEN organized a workshop with journalists on the management of menstrual hygiene and on the legal conditions allowing a person to have access to safe abortion.

According to Sawadogo Bénédicte, Vice-President of REMAPSEN in charge of health issues at the continental level, this workshop was initiated with the aim of helping women have good menstrual hygiene and a Safe Termination of Pregnancy (ISG) according to the law.

The vice-president invited journalists to avoid sensationalism and to give the right information, relevant information, quality information, and see what needs to be done so that the population understands the message.

For Mr. Désiré Thiombiano, Director of the AMS-SYNERGIE firm, in the law of Burkina Faso, safe pregnancy abortion (ISG) is only possible when there is a situation of rape, incest, malformation of the fetus and when the health of the mother is in danger.

“According to the law, if it is in cases of rape and incest, it is within 14 weeks that the person can have authorization from the prosecutor to make the intervention of the ISG,” explained Mr. Thiombiano.

He added by saying that according to the law, texts and standards of Burkina Faso, if a woman finds herself in this situation and meets these four conditions, she can have access to ISG and care; which helps prevent maternal mortality and protect women in general.

He emphasizes that this meeting aimed to strengthen the capacities of journalists to talk about it, so that all women in Burkina Faso have access to the four conditions wherever they are. .

Mrs. Zalissa Bandé, Coordinator of Share-Net Burkina, indicated that this workshop is an opportunity to recall the role that journalists can play in accessing and popularizing information on sexual and reproductive health.

She added that they initiated this workshop in collaboration with REMAPSEN to ensure that this training session related to sexual and reproductive health, menstrual hygiene and safe termination of pregnancy according to the law, are communicated in the right way at the community level.

In the opinion of Boureima Sanga, National Coordinator of REMAPSEN, for journalists to be able to make their contribution in this area, it is necessary to strengthen their capacities and consider these different themes as development themes and turn them into quality productions.

He recalled that in schools as well as at the professional level, women and girls encounter difficulties in intimate places. He indicated that journalists should not be on the sidelines of this fight.

Source: Burkina Information Agency