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Burkina: Christians, Muslims and traditionalists gather around a collective meal to break their fast


Ouagadougou: Young people organized on Friday March 22, 2024 at the Palais de la Culture Jean Pierre Guinganné, a collective breaking of fast for all Burkinabè people without distinction of religion. An opportunity to strengthen social cohesion and unity between all layers.

For the president of the organizing committee for this collective rupture, Moumouni Koudougou, it is the realization of the dream of seeing the Burkinabè brothers and sisters live like brothers and sisters and not like Christians on the one hand and Muslims from another.

‘God ensured that the Muslim fast coincided with the Christian fast and we seized this opportunity to make it a springboard for social cohesion, for living well together, for living peacefully and fraternally together,’ he added.

On this occasion, customary and traditional authorities were also invited.

For the representative of the delegation of traditional leaders, Rassam Naaba of Cissin, it is no coincidence that God has ensured that the two Muslim and Christian fas
ts are at the same period.

‘It’s a sign from him to show us that we are similar,’ he added.

For his part, Emmanuel Kafando, representative of the Evangelical Church, declared that before being evangelical Protestants, pastors or Muslims, we are all Burkinabè and we must work to preserve this link.

‘It is God, the omnipotent, the omniscient, who wanted all these differences so that everyone can learn lessons from the other and improve continuously and perpetually,’ said Imam Lassané Sakandé.

In a festive atmosphere, the Burkinabè people commune around a very rich menu composed, among other things, of the traditional porridge of millet, dèguè, without forgetting the pancakes and natural juices.

All these dishes are part of the list of contributions from different structures to this initiative whose aim is to remind everyone that beyond our religions, we are brothers and sisters of the same nation.

Ms. Koudougou/Badini Salamatou, head of Manegré Communication and Services, who decided to support this initi
ative which she says is noble by bringing porridge, kinkéliba coffee and natural juice and pancakes.

According to the president of the organizing committee, this break saw the participation of more than 500 people from all districts of Ouagadougou and even other cities in the country, notably Manga, Ziniaré and Koudougou.

‘This enthusiasm reassures us in our position because it proves that people aspire to live together, to social cohesion and to the search for fraternity,’ added Moumouni Koudougou.

‘If such initiatives multiply, we believe that we will be able to meet the challenge of insecurity which is currently tarnishing the peace of the country,’ suggested the 3rd vice-president of the special delegation of the commune of Ouagadougou, Kiemtore/Ouédraogo Mamounata .

Dr Abdallah Ouédraogo, one of the participants, hoped that this laudable initiative would spread throughout the country in order to truly achieve its objective which is social cohesion.

Source: Burkina Information Agency