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Burkina: CAMEG equips itself with modern means of fire prevention, detection and extinguishing

Ouagadougou: The Central Purchasing of Generic Essential Medicines and Medical Consumables (CAMEG) presented on Friday modern means of prevention, detection and extinguishing of fire, allowing it to store in pharmaceutical products safely and to protect against the risk of fire.

The central purchasing center for essential generic medicines and medical consumables (CAMEG) was the victim of two fires which affected its storage capacities.

Safety and security audits commissioned on all central and regional sites concluded that modernization work on these sites was necessary.

This is how, according to the President of the General Assembly of CAMEG, Dr Marthe Sandrine SANON/LOMPO, steps have been taken to strengthen storage capacities and better secure drug stocks in all of the company’s warehouses. CAMEG on the national territory.

For the representative of the Minister in charge of Health, the Minister Delegate in charge of Fisheries Resources Amadou Dicko, the work made it possible to install detection and s
ignaling devices, safety lighting equipment, extinguishing equipment , access controls and monitoring tools for the Tengadogo logistics platform.

‘Also, it should be remembered, CAMEG staff have been trained in the use of different devices to facilitate their use if necessary,’ he added.

He also thanked the support of USAID which made this work possible.

The fire safety work on the Tengandogo platform is estimated at 787 million 743 thousand 984 CFA francs in total, including 542 million 113 thousand 038 CFA francs financed by USAID and the rest provided by CAMEG’s own funds.

USAID Representative in Burkina Faso, Alyson McFarland said USAID is proud to help CAMEG rebuild destroyed infrastructure, strengthen its fire safety systems and work towards a healthy future for all .

‘By focusing on the Tengandogo warehouse, which has the largest capacity, we wanted to have maximum impact throughout the supply chain,’ she said.

According to the general director of CAMEG, Dr Anne Maryse K’haboré, fires are events
that cannot be predicted but we can minimize the risks of this eventuality occurring.

‘However, in the event of a possible fire, the entire CAMEG team is trained, from the storekeeper to the director that I am, we know how to use all the equipment,’ she reassured.

Ms. K’haboré also added that this security was carried out on all CAMEG sites but the strategic site is that of Tengadogo which has a capacity of 46,000 m 3 and which represents 6 to 9 months of medicines. on a national level. As a result, this is the site where we have invested the most.

The commander of the national fire brigade, Colonel Daba Naon, for his part, appreciated this initiative from CAMEG.

For him, a company generates its own security and public services support it.

The completion of the work financed by USAID is part of a series of support within the framework of its partnership with CAMEG, including the rental and provision of a warehouse located at the ZAD to CAMEG, the day after the store fire schedules November 28, 2021.

urce: Burkina Information Agency