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Burkina: An association wants to support the professionalization of rural actors

Ouagadougou: The general commissioner of the International Exhibition of Agriculture, Environment and Livestock (SIAEL), Jean Victor Ouédraogo indicated yesterday Tuesday that the SIAEL aims to promote the process of professionalization of actors from the rural world in a context of security and humanitarian crisis in the country.

For the general commissioner of the International Exhibition of Agriculture, Environment and Livestock (SIAEL), Jean Victor Ouédraogo, the main concern remains the promotion of activities in the rural world.

‘Today, those in the rural world have suffered the consequences of the security crisis unfairly imposed on our country and have moved in search of better security conditions,’ he maintained.

Mr. Ouédraogo spoke yesterday Tuesday, in the commune of Komsilga, on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the 7th edition of SIAEL organized by the association for the development of the rural world (ADMR).

This meeting, placed under the very high patronage of the Prime Minister, Dr
Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélèm de Tambèla, has the theme: ‘Impact of the security crisis on the agro-sylvo-pastoral sectors: inventory and perspectives’.

The general commissioner of SIAEL 2024 explained that the meeting will make it possible, among other things, to give more visibility to all value chains, such as agriculture, livestock and the environment, to highlight the interdependence and encourage competitiveness between the different socio-professional sectors of the rural world.

He added that it will also be about ensuring more commitment and success for young people and women in the productive sectors.

‘The government must support in all these efforts the development of the rural world through civil society structures, because our hope of achieving food self-sufficiency is based on brave producers,’ he continued.

The Prime Minister, Dr Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélèm de Tambèla specified that the government adopted in the Council of Ministers last September, the agro-pastoral and fisheries offensive
2023-2025 which will make it possible to achieve food sovereignty in Burkina Faso.

‘The agricultural revolution underway in our country requires an integral transformation of our systems of production, processing, consumption and marketing of local products,’ added Dr Kyélem.

The head of the Burkinabe government also welcomed the presence of the Malian delegation led by the Minister of Livestock and Fisheries, Youba Ba, representing his Prime Minister Choguel Maïga, sponsor of the ceremony.

‘Your presence demonstrates solidarity within the Alliance of Sahel States and I strongly encourage our respective populations and their umbrella organizations to create spaces for collaboration to regularly share their experiences and work together for economic development,’ he said. -he said.

According to him, to achieve food self-sufficiency, a fund called MOUKAFA was created with a budget estimated at more than 45 billion for the first 3 years aimed at facilitating access to financing from agreements in the agricul
tural and livestock sectors. and plant-based.

In the opinion of the Minister of Livestock and Fisheries of Mali, Youba Ba, he hopes, within the framework of SIAEL, not only to establish winning partnerships but also to form business blocs with Burkina Faso to conquer in common a profitable foreign market

Mr. Ba reassured that 15 representatives of the Mali Chamber of Agriculture are participating in SIAEL 2024 and constitute an important capital of knowledge and know-how in agriculture, environment and breeding.

‘I would like to reassure you of the dynamism of our agricultural sectors, of the coordination of the permanent assembly of the chambers of agriculture of Mali. »

As a reminder, SIAEL takes place from February 20 to 27, 2024 in the commune of Komsilga with Mali as the guest country of honor.

Source: Burkina Information Agency