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Burkina: An alleged crook arrested by the gendarmerie in Koudougou

Ouagadougou, A candidate for the previous recruitment competition for auxiliary gendarmes, was arrested in Koudougou (Central-west) by the gendarmerie, suspected of having taken money with two other candidates to facilitate their admissions, the AIB learned.

According to the gendarmerie which made the information public on Friday, the suspect was denounced at the beginning of November by another candidate who filed a complaint with the Koudougou gendarmerie research brigade.

The alleged crook made him believe that he was a gendarme, member of the competition organizing committee.

After investigations, it was established that the suspect managed to deceive two people.

According to the gendarmerie, the alleged crook was taken to the Koudougou TGI prosecutor’s office for the rest of the procedure.

“The population in general and particularly candidates are reminded that admission to the various national gendarmerie competitions is based on merit,” insists the gendarmerie, calling for vigilance and the reporting of suspicious cases.

Source: Burkina Information Agency