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Burkina: A Russian delegation trains pupils and students in emergency relief procedures

Ouagadougou: A Russian delegation, in partnership with the Africa Initiatives association, organized training on Thursday on emergency first aid procedures for the benefit of Burkinabè pupils and students.

‘It is sad to see your neighbor have a seizure or have a road accident and feel unable to help them,’ said Dr. Dimitry Dolbnya on Thursday, during training on first aid at the House. of the Woman of Ouagadougou.

This training, which is part of the cooperation between Russia and Burkina Faso, aims to give Burkinabe pupils and students a basis in first aid in order to enable them to relieve any person in the event of an accident or emergency. crisis.

From traffic accidents to crises due to chronic illnesses such as asthma, falling or rising blood pressure, Dr. Dimitry Dolbnya showed participants how to respond quickly to save lives.

‘This training does not show you how to rescue as a doctor, but how to rescue before the doctor arrives. And this first aid is recognized all over the world. You risk nothing
with the law,’ replied the doctor to a participant who was worried about possible legal action in the event of a problem.

‘The initiative is to be welcomed because this training gives us a little knowledge on how to help people who are in danger and from now on we will try as best we can to put into practice what we have learned in such a situation’, confided Gaston Diendéré, participant.

Dr. Dimitry Dolbnya confided that depending on the needs encountered on the ground, the training will be specified, intensified and extended to other cities in Burkina Faso.

At the end of this training, ‘in the event of an accident, you must be the masters on the scene,’ the doctor told the participants.

In addition to this training, participants were given medication kits.

‘This kit is made up of products that doctors generally prescribe to their patients in Burkina,’ said the doctor.

Africa Initiatives praised the Russian Federation and the Russian delegation for the expertise and medicines provided to the participan
Source: Burkina Information Agency