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Burkina: A new Islamic association wants to promote interreligious dialogue

Ouagadougou: Tawfiq Al Fayda Tidjannia (TFT), a new Islamic association which means “luck”, was unveiled on Saturday to national opinion, with the aim of promoting interreligious dialogue and intercultural in a difficult security context in Burkina Faso.

The landscape of Islamic associations in Burkina Faso expanded on Saturday January 13, 2024 in Ouagadougou, with the presentation of a new structure called Tawfiq Al Fayda Tidjannia (TFT) which means ‘luck’.

According to the Secretary General (SG) of the TFT Board of Directors, Omar Ouattara, the association wants to promote interreligious and intercultural dialogue in Burkina Faso.

Mr. Ouattara explained that the mission is to cultivate peace on earth and Muslims are called to organize prayers for the stability of the country.

‘Through this organization, we intend to make our contribution to the sustainable development of our dear homeland, Burkina Faso,’ he maintained.

The SG of the TFT also specified that in a context of difficult security and humanit
arian challenge, society must organize itself to participate in the spiritual awakening, moral and cultural education of youth which constitutes the engine of future of the nation.

Omar Ouattara stressed that the main missions of his association are, among others, the promotion of Islam, social cohesion, solidarity between its members and the organization of peace prayers in Burkina and the sub-region.

‘Tawfiq Al Fayda Tidjaniya calls for the collaboration of all to achieve these noble objectives for the benefit of the populations,’ he pleaded.

Created in 2023, TFT is a non-profit association. She is a citizen, unitarian and concerned about the practice of Islam in Burkina Faso.

Source: Burkina Information Agency