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Burkina: A large terrorist base reduced to nothing in Kongloré, dozens of terrorists killed

Ouagadougou, After the numerous terrorists killed the day before in Kongloré, (Koulpélogo, Center-East), the Burkinabè army carried out intense strikes on a large base located in the area. Many criminals were killed and important logistics recovered by ground troops, the AIB learned Monday from security sources.

The National Armed Forces have continued in recent hours their reprisals against the terrorists who attacked a VDP position in Kangloré, near Ouargaye.

Yesterday after having eliminated around ten criminals, the aerial vectors continued observations all night, until discovering a large terrorist base where hundreds of terrorists on foot and on motorbikes were swarming.

Without taking gloves, the pilots on board their fighter planes will intensely bomb the area. The scum and their logistics are consumed in great flames.

After a period of calm, survivors escape and hide under a large tree.

The planes wait until there are many of them. Then suddenly, out of the sky comes a missile heading straight for them. They are all killed.

Other assassins preferred to push their machines to escape. But they will be struck down along the way.

A group of five survivors opt for a crazy race in the dark night through the tall grass of the forest. They will be picked up by ground troops who come to rake and clean the base.

The boys come out with dozens of motorcycles and weapons in good condition. The rest of the logistics and the drugs discovered were burned on site.

Source: Burkina Information Agency