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Burkina: A chief warrant officer dismissed for having subtracted more than 7 million FCFA intended for the pay of VDPs

A chief warrant officer dismissed for having subtracted more than 7 million FCFA intended for the pay of VDPs

Ouagadougou, February 1 2024 (AIB)-Chief Warrant Officer Dalibou Savadogo was removed from the ranks of the National Armed Forces for having subtracted 7 million 260 thousand FCFA intended for the payment of the operation bonus of the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) of Samorogouan (Orodara, Kénédougou).

During discussions on January 8, 2024 with presidential staff, Head of State Ibrahim Traoré promised zero tolerance for serious failings that would hamper the reconquest of territorial integrity.

Thus after the commander of the Sollé detachment, Captain Alira Elisée Martial Nayiré, dismissed on January 5, 2024 for not having been able to organize his troop in the face of terrorists, despite several alerts, it is around the chief warrant officer Dalibou Savadogo to pay the costs of his misconduct.

‘The Chief Warrant Officer, Savadogo Dalibou, incorporation number 3557 of the Nation
al Armed Forces is removed from the ranks of the National Armed Forces for misconduct deemed particularly serious having consisted of the fraudulent subtraction of the sum 7 million 260 thousand CFA francs intended for payment of the operation bonus of the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP)’ of Samorogouan, we read in a decree dated January 31, 2024, signed by the Minister in charge of Defense, Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly .

According to the authority, this theft caused a demobilization of the VDP of this commune located in the province of Kénédougou, around forty kilometers from Orodara.

As a reminder, to face the terrorist attacks that have shaken Burkina Faso for nine years, the authorities called on patriotic civilians (VDP) to accompany the FDS in the liberation of the territory.

At the start of the year, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, who has considerable respect for them, increased their monthly bonus from 60 thousand to 80 thousand FCFA.

Their disability bonus also increased from 1 m
illion 800 thousand to 3 million FCFA, their death benefit from 1 million to 3 million FCFA and their burial costs from 100 thousand to 250 thousand FCFA, always under the instructions of the president Traore.

Source: Burkina Information Agency