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Bulgarian investor inspects Burkina Faso gold refinery market

Ouagadougou: The Bulgarian company Bulmint, wishing to invest in Burkina Faso, particularly in the field of gold refineries, presented its projects to Minister of State Bassolma Bazié, AIB learned from an official source Saturday in Ouagadougou.

‘We intend to invest in West Africa and especially in Burkina Faso. We discussed with the Minister of State how we can carry out our projects if Burkina Faso is interested in such an investment,’ confided Bulmint manager Radoslav Marinov, after leaving the audience with Minister Bassolma Bazié. , last Thursday.

According to the communications services of the Ministry of Civil Service, Minister Bazié explained to his host that he will be welcome in Burkina Faso if his investment makes it possible to train local human resources through skills transfers.

The Bulgarian investor, Radoslav Marinov, found Minister Bazié very open and committed to working for economic autonomy for Burkina Faso. ‘I found the minister very open. I also understood his vision. He is someone wh
o really wants to work for independence and sovereignty,’ he said from the same source.

Bulgaria, a country in southeastern Europe, neighbors Turkey and Greece, and has around 7 million inhabitants.

Source: Burkina Information Agency